
Experience the only AI in the world coded to analyze your audience

Absolute Infinity

For your brand activation, iboothme X delivers highly accurate AI that produces mind-blowing results in seconds, no internet needed. Our exclusive AI adapts to your user's body posture and shape, recognizing genders and skin tones.

AI Music Generator

Your prospects will generate AI songs featuring your brand name with their album cover unique, shareable content powered by AI that embeds your brand into their minds.

iboothme Reggae

iboothme Reggae

Jamaican music style with rhythmic beats, soulful lyrics, and groove

Nike Hindi

Nike Hindi

Energetic, rhythmic poetry blending Hindi lyrics with urban beats

UAE Reggae

UAE Reggae

Fusion of reggae rhythms with Arabic melodies and lyrics.

Russian Fenty

Russian Fenty

Energetic, electronic beats blending house rhythms with Russian influences.

English Samsung

English Samsung

Improvised, soulful music blending swing, blues, and complex rhythms.


AI Photo to Video

Transform any photo into an incredible AI-powered video, bringing your memories to life. Watch still moments turn dynamic with stunning visuals and effects.

AI Lighting

Our AI enhances the lighting around your guests, giving them a polished studio-quality look instantly.

Drawing To AI Painting

Turn simple sketches into stunning works of art with AI Painting. Every doodle becomes a masterpiece whether it's abstract, oil paint, 3D, or realistic. Let your guests unleash their creativity

AI background

Iboothme X AI recognizes your guests and changes the background no green screen needed. Guests can use keywords to create their own AI backgrounds during your event, making every photo a unique experience.

Why iboothme X?

With 14 years of experience in brand activations, we've developed iboothme X to elevate your brand activation experiences. The vertical screens are perfect for social media content sharing, ensuring your activation goes viral. Our in-house AI delivers stunning results in seconds, even without an internet connection.

Think of iboothme X as your canvas let's brainstorm.


Explore the AI world to create a unique active experience