Forget bulky, old vending machines. Make way for Vendo: the latest social vending machine by iboothme that actually propose gamification, photo opportunity and more…

Seriously, what’s not to love?

Let’s excite your guests

Have you noticed how the crowd are bored with a regular photo booth? Where is the excitement? Well let me show you ?

We all love social vending machines, don’t we? They are cool,  easy and DIY but what is available in the market is boring… It is just # on Twitter and Instagram and win. Where are the data collection and analytics? And if an Instagram account is private you can imagine the frustration that your prospects will face.

But what if a social vending machine could do more? What if your social vending machine also clicked your photo, propose quiz and games and collect database? Now that would be cool. Luckily, that’s possible with Vendo – our social vending machine.


 Get your audience engaged and excited by running fun spot contests at your events. The touch screen allows your potential prospects to interact with the social vending booth, play a game and collect cool rewards.


 endo is not only perfect for dispensing giveaways and promotional items at events, but it’s also perfect for collecting data – like every iboothme photo booth. After all, every user needs to enter their details to redeem or collect their gift. This precious data can be used to shape and target all your future marketing conversations.

INSPIRING WAYS TO MAX Vendo social vending machine

1) Product launches

Giveaway samples and induce trials.

2) Contests

Run spot contest and generate buzz.

3) Collect Data

Get tons of data from a captive audience.



Vendo – our social vending machine is just one of our many cool ideas. Looking to rent a cool innovation? We are always thinking one step ahead and trying to solve real business problems with clever, practical ideas and technology. Love what you see? Collaborate with us on your next project. We’ll be happy to inspire you.