Here is how iboothme photo booth is helping the White club in Dubai to create unique visual solutions for each event during the year.

Pulsating music. Good vibes. And unforgettable memories. White, Dubai’s top nightclub, loves creating unique moments for their guests. The opening night, therefore, had to be even more special. But how do you maximise impact in a minimum space? You simply push the boundaries of creativity further. And that’s when a special photo booth designed by iboothme, stepped in.

The photo booth clicked with every partygoer.

A powerful visual concept was important while using the iboothme photo booth. It needed to be exclusive yet inclusive. Therefore, in the smallest of spaces, iboothme photo booth created a lovely private, personal booth. White lights formed the backdrop. It was almost like a club inside a club.

As guests entered and grooved to the club’s beats, they were caught on camera that hung from the top. The footage caught by the photo booth at White Dubai was electrifying: A unique angle and fabulous party vibe. In moments, the tiniest spot in the club was the busiest too.

Check out the personalised, unique space that the photo booth created at White Dubai

Results that would make anyone dance.

Guests were eager for their footage in a just a couple of hours. The email address count as well Instagram and Facebook shares skyrocketed as the numbers ran into several hundred. More importantly, social visibility for White, Dubai peaked within seconds.

The party continues with iboothme at White Dubai.

White Club Dubai has tied up with iboothme to create unique moments every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Spoiler Alert: The next photo booth at White Dubai features a pile of cute teddy bears for guests to pose with. However, one of them is a human dressed in a costume. As the unsuspecting guests pose, the teddy bear suddenly springs to life and startles them. Now imagine how viral those unique moments and reactions will be.

White Bear Prank photo booth ?

Bear Prank photo booth ? with White Dubai

Posted by Iboothme on Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Stay tuned to to see the results of the next photo booth moments at White Dubai.

Create your next unique moment with iboothme.

At iboothme photo booth, we love interesting challenges. Our techno-marketers are ready to develop crazy, unique ideas. How will you make your next event stand out? Talk to us and we’ll show you how.

See how iboothme photo booth created unique moments with a photo booth at White Dubai. Click here:

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